Adaptive and Efficient Isotonic Estimation in Wicksell's Problem


We consider nonparametric estimation in Wicksell’s problem, which has applications in astronomy for estimating the distribution of star positions in a galaxy and in material sciences for determining a material’s 3D microstructure from 2D cross sections. We focus on the isotonised version of the plug-in estimator (IIE) for the cdf F of the spheres’ squared radii. This estimator is fully automatic, requiring no tuning parameters, and we show it is adaptive to local smoothness properties of the distribution function F to be estimated. We also prove a local asymptotic minimax lower bound in this non-standard setting, with √log⁡𝑛/𝑛-asymptotics and where the functional F to be estimated is not regular. Combined, our results prove that the isotonic estimator (IIE) is an adaptive, easy-to-compute, and efficient estimator.

Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Taylor & Francis, 1–41
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Francesco Gili
Francesco Gili

I am a PhD candidate in Mathematical Statistics at TU Delft under the supervision of Aad van der Vaart and Geurt Jongbloed.